Thursday, March 4, 2010

8 paragraph essay

In middle school I always compared myself to all the other girls in my class. I always wanted to fit in and look like the other girls. Starting from the fifth grade girls started to change and develop more.
In fifth grade my school started to show videos on how the female body changes and starts to go through puberty. By this time at least have of the girls in my class had their period but for me there was no sign of it coming anytime school. During recess the topics of discussed changed from “let’s play hopscotch!” to “did you get your period yet?” Every day I had the same answer “no, not yet.’ I felt left out.
As we move up to the six grade the girls in my class start to gain more weigh, develop breast and start to get curves. Once again I was the outcast. I felt like the ugly duckling in the crowd. The girls started now talking about what size bra they wear at recess and I was still wearing a training bra. Flat as a board weighing only 90 lbs. I would never express this feeling out loud, I just asked myself all the time “Why me?
Why do I have to be the only one late? While everyone is perfect and on time.”
Looking different from everyone wasn’t cool. It was like wearing a bright red coat in crowd. I stood out from all the girls. In every way possible I was the contrast of every girl in class, or at least that is what it felt like. Girls started to like boys and boys started to like girls. But you see the thing here is that boys only like the girls who had boobs and looked older so while everyone was busy making little boyfriends I still only had my best friends.
In the seventh grade I got my period and started to develop and was able to wear a real bra. I was in total shock and excited! Finally I will fit in; finally I will look like all the other girls. Now I felt that I was beautiful and becoming a young lady and the boys would start to like me.
Now that I look back I learned that I can’t go through life wanted to be like everyone else and comparing myself just because I am different. I have to accept that some things I have no control over and just happen on their own when they’re ready to.

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